5 Reasons You Should Meal Plan
March 9, 2020Eat Healthy while Working from Home
March 23, 2020Immune Boosting Nutrition
Coronavirus-19 is wreaking havoc on everyday life from school closures, stock market, people’s jobs, and toilet paper. Fear is running rampant. While I’m still unclear why people are stocking up on toilet paper, I do have some immune boosting nutrition tips that will actually prepare you for the coronavirus.
Let’s talk about some immune boosting foods.
Protein is vital in building up and repairing your body from viral infections. Your immune system and antibodies require protein to function. Too little protein in your diet leads to weakness, fatigue, and poor immunity.
So how much do you need? ¼ of each of your meals should be protein.
What are good protein sources I recommend? Fish, nuts, beans, dairy, chicken, and tofu. Read about plant based proteins here. Stock your pantry with canned tuna, frozen fish and chicken to make sure you have healthy foods on hand.
Vitamin C
Research shows that vitamin C helps your body’s immune system. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, meaning that your body can not store it. You need to eat vitamin C rich foods every day. Vitamin C is not going to prevent you from catching a viral infection, but some studies show that it helps shorten the length of the illness. Make sure your body is fueled correctly to give your body the best chance to fight against infection.
How much do you need? About 75 mg. You can get that from ½ cup red bell pepper,¾ cup orange juice, 1 medium orange or 1 kiwi. MEGA DOSES are not required. Consistency is key.
Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, green and red bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts and kiwi. Stock up on frozen fruits to make sure you have healthy foods on hand.
I’m probably a little biased about Magnesium. It’s my favorite micronutrient, but it does help with immune support.
How much do you need? about 350 mg
Foods high in Magnesium: Dark chocolate, avocados, nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, and leafy greens.
If you know someone who takes elderberry, they have told you all about it and sworn by it. I’m not one who trusts individual self reported case studies, but let’s take a look at the research. There are a FEW studies that show the antioxidants in elderberry can help treat colds and flu. It might have antiviral effects, but more research is needed. There are not any large scale research studies at this time. They are all based on a small number or participants. It seems that most research shows it does not prevent illness, but lessens the duration of symptoms. Since there is minimal risk in taking elderberry gummies, syrup, or lozenges, this might be something for you to consider. Beware to not eat raw elderberries. They are toxic along with the seeds, leaves, and bark of the tree.
How much do you need? One study gave participants 15 milliliters of elderberry syrup four times a day. Another study gave lozenges containing 175 milligrams four times per day. Another gave 300 mg twice a day.
So in a nutshell here is my advice for preparing for the coronavirus:
- Continue eating a well rounded diet. Three colors, three foods groups at three meals each day. The more variety the more likely you will get all the immunity enhancing nutrients you need.
- Do you need a supplement? Probably not, but if you know you are not eating balanced meals a good multivitamin might help you fill in the gaps. Here you can sign up for professional grade supplements and see my recommendations. *This is an affiliate link and I receive a small commission on orders.
- Stock up on healthy foods. You just need a two week supply. Frozen fish and chicken, canned tuna, frozen fruits, frozen veggies.
- Look into elderberry syrup or gummies. The research is limited, but in small studies it can reduce symptoms of viruses.
- Most importantly keep washing your hands after you touch any commonly touched area or before and after you touch your face.
Stay healthy!
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[…] your immune system, your energy, and your health. You might be interested in reading my post about nutrition and covid-19 to ensure you are giving your immune system the best boost you can. Stay healthy […]